
Welcome to SDAMPP


Coffee Break Discussions

SDAMPP will be hosting monthly, informal coffee break Zoom meetings for interested SDAMPP members. Each coffee break meeting will be 50 minutes long, allowing time for a brief introduction of the topic by the moderators and ample time for open discussion by the assembled group. Click to learn more about upcoming Coffee Break Discussions and how to add your ideas for future coffee break topics!

Alternate Pathway for International Medical Physicist via ABR

October 16, 2024, 2:00 PM ET

Panelists: Todd McNutt, Wolfgang Tome, Joshua Wilson, Amar K. Basavatia, Chris Njeh
Moderator: Kristi Hendrickson

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SDAMPP Coffee Break: Termination of the NRC's recognition of ABR certification for AMP status

October 9, 2024, 1:00 PM ET

Residency program directors: How have you been handling the termination of the NRC's recognition of ABR certification for AMP status? An open forum to exchange practices

Panelists: Jeremy Kunz, Christopher Tien, Maryann Ayoade
Moderator: Anna Rodrigues, Christopher Tien

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SDAMPP Coffee Break: Medical Physics Residency - Research Year Curriculum

September 26, 2024, 12:30 PM ET

While many Medical Physics residencies provide trainees with the opportunity to have a year dedicated to research, most do not provide a structured formative framework around that time spent by the residents. I am proposing a structured third-year research curriculum for medical physics residents, which integrates research with professional development activities such as scientific writing, protocol submission, public speaking, teaching, and innovation. Let's discuss ways to refine this program to further enhance residents' growth and career development.

Moderator: Marian Axente

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SDAMPP Coffee Break: CAMPEP Self Study Hints and Guidelines

September 13, 2024, 1 PM ET

The CAMPEP GEPRC Chair will present some best practices for drafting your graduate program's self-study and be available to answer your questions about writing the self-study.

Panelists: David Hintenlang
Moderator: Kristi Hendrickson

>> Download Presentation <<

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SDAMPP Coffee Break: CAMPEP Self Study Hints and Guidelines

August 7, 2024 2 PM ET

CAMPEP board members will be available to present some best practices for drafting your program's self-study and to answer your questions about writing the self-study.

Panelists: David Hintenlang and Bruce Libby
Moderator: Kristi Hendrickson

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SDAMPP Webinar: Accessibility in Medical Physics Residency

May 14, 2024 at 12:00 PM Eastern Time

In this webinar, we will explore the critical considerations surrounding accessibility in medical physics residency programs, including addressing challenges faced by physicists with disabilities. We will gain insights from first-hand experiences of a physicist using accommodations, legal perspectives on residency requirements, and practical strategies for program coordination, and learn more about the multifaceted motivations for fostering inclusivity in medical physics education.

Moderator/Session Coordinator: Jessica Fagerstrom
Speakers: Mary Goodwin-Oquendo, Lindsay Jones, & Jessica Nute

Video Link

SDAMPP Coffee Break: Updates on Residency Guidelines from the AAPM TG-249u

June 20, 2024 1 PM ET

The AAPM report TG-249 Essentials and Guidelines for Clinical Medical Physics Residency Training Programs is currently being updated, and the new report was recently made available to AAPM members for public comment. This coffee break will provide SDAMPP members the opportunity to learn more about the updated report and engage in further discussion about the upcoming changes and guidelines.

Moderators: Joseph Dugas, PhD and Jonathon Nye, PhD

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2024 SDAMPP Annual Meeting

Will be held in person on Saturday, July 20th, 2024. We will have a continental breakfast, followed by the meeting, with lunch afterwards. We have an exciting agenda planned and hope to see you all there!

2024 SDAMPP Annual Meeting Flyer

UPDATE: The ABR has accepted SDAMPP’s recommendation and will move the Medical Physics Part 1 Qualifying Exam back to August. The exam will be offered in both January and August 2023. Beginning in 2024, the exam will be offered only in August. SDAMPP's board voted unanimously in November to inform the ABR that we recommend that the ABR Medical Physics Part 1 Examination be held in August. It further recommends the exam not be held in January. This is based on an analysis of data from 45 respondents (of 66 contacted) to a survey on the matter. The board expresses its gratitude to colleagues at ABR and AAPM for their cooperation on evaluating this issue. SDAMPP will continue to participate in this discussion as requested.

New ABR Policy Regarding Family Leave

The ABR has instituted a new policy starting in July 2021 regarding family leave. That policy can be viewed here. SDAMPP’s Education Practices Committee would like to hear from directors regarding their plans for implementation and any outstanding questions (chair.education.practices.committee@sdampp.org). Stay tuned for more details about a forum for SDAMPP members to openly discuss this new policy.

ABR Update on Remote Exams - Geoffrey S. Ibbott, PhD

Click here to view the video.

ABR Fee Schedule Changes

Working with AAPM Education Council, a summary of the ABR fee schedule changes was prepared, along with guidance for program directors to share with their students and trainees.

5 April 2021

Dear Students, trainees, and program directors,

It has recently come to AAPM’s attention that the ABR has revised their fee structure. Some initial certification candidates that are preparing to sit for their exam have seen an updated invoice that now reflects an outstanding balance. AAPM has been in touch with the ABR regarding this recent change. The ABR has stressed that the overall cost for initial certification has not changed. While you should seek formal guidance from the ABR, it is our understanding that these additional fees can be deferred or paid in installments without penalty or finance fees, and you can still sit for the exam if you are unable to pay the additional fee by April 15th. You should receive an official communication from the ABR with further clarification soon. Candidates should contact the ABR office at (520) 790-2900 to make arrangements to defer their payments, to pay an installment, or if you have additional concerns.

Joann I. Prisciandaro, Ph.D., FAAPM
Chair, AAPM Education Council

AAPM’s Education Council has Recently Published Guidance Documents for Graduate Programs
AAPM Report #365, certificate programs/alternative pathways Task Group #298, and AAPM Report #373 on DMP programs.

Combined Clinical and Research Training in Medical Physics in a Multi-Institutional Setting: 13-year Experience of Harvard Medical Physics Residency Program
This article highlights the 13-year experience of a Multi-institutional clinical and research training program in Medical Physics. To read, click here.

Interviewing for Residency Positions While Completing a Graduate Degree: Considerations for Graduate Students, Mentors, and Program Directors
The pipeline of new clinical medical physicists in the United States includes graduate education followed by residency training. A major bottleneck occurs as students on the verge of completing their advanced degree programs seek positions in residency training programs. There is little guidance for graduate students in balancing their limited time to be spent on the competing tasks of interviewing for a residency position and simultaneously completing their degree. This editorial seeks to raise an awareness of key factors that students and their faculty mentors should consider as they navigate through the bottleneck. To view the editorial, click here.

New Study on the Medical Physics Residency Experience
A new study published in JACMP sought to better understand the residency experience as related to resilience and well-being through the lens of current Medical Physics Residents and Medical Physicists working with residents. For more information, click here.

New Study on Aspects of Medical Physics Match
A new study published in JACMP gauges the experiences of applicants and program directors in the Medical Physics Match to determine the most important characteristics factors influencing the decision making for applicants and programs during various stages of the application/interview/ranking process. For more information, click here.

Introduction to SDAMPP in Medical Physics International Journal
Several members of the SDAMPP board of directors published an introduction to SDAMPP in the Medical Physics International Journal. The manuscript can be downloaded here.

New Rules and Strategic Plan

SDAMPP’s board of directors recently approved new rules for the organization and set forth it's Strategic Plan for CY 2022. More info can be found here.

Amendments to By-Laws

Results of the voting on proposed changes to bylaws are as follows. 123 ballots were cast out of 176 members (regular and emeritus) who received ballots. 118 “yes” votes were required to pass a proposal.

  • Proposal 1 (wording updates throughout): 123 yes (passed)
  • Proposal 2 (increase numbers of at-large Board members): 115 yes, 7 no, 1 abstain (failed to pass)
  • Proposal 3 (change number of votes required to amend by-laws): 121 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain (passed)
  • Proposal 4 (relieve President of Membership Committee Chair responsibility): 123 yes (passed)

The participation rate was high, which reflects well on the level of engagement of our members. We are grateful for the direction you provided.


Click here to see the instructions and form to propose a webinar of interest to program directors and medical physics educators.

Interview Calendar

The SDAMPP online Interviewing calendar, a popular feature freely available to all, is available for CY 2025.